North East Exercise Solutions
Accredited Exercise Physiologists
Over 10+ Years Experience
We Offer Our Clients More
It’s Not Just Pilates & A Gym
It's All About Your Health
Tailored Exercise & Diet Advice
Making A Difference To Lives
Advice & Sucess Stories

What We Offer
We offer services to people of all ages and abilities and for a range of reasons.
We believe that everyone can exercise – we just need to find your best fit.
We provide services for referrals via Medicare, DVA, My Aged Care, NDIS, Health funds, TAC and both Victorian and NSW Workcover.
We are proud to be able to assist our clients from Wangaratta & surrounding areas, including Yarrawonga, Benalla, Glenrowan, Beechworth, King Valley and Myrtleford.
Our private Exercise Physiology consulting practice combines highly experienced, professional staff & a personal approach to find the solution to reignite your passion for life.
Our Team
We are proud to offer a range of personalised exercise and health programs that are customised to meet the needs of all ages and abilities.

Shelly Harper
Director & Exercise Physiologist

Chris Grattidge
Allied Health Assistant
Chris’s role at North East Exercise Solutions is a supportive role helping the Exercise Physiologists with group exercise sessions, all aspects of studio administration, cleaning and studio maintenance. He is Shelly’s right hand man! (read more)
Our Partners
These are some of the funding options we have available. If you need help navigating the options, please contact us so we can assist you.